"I've been too chickenshit afraid to live my life so I sold it to you for three hundred freakin' dollars a week!" Huzzah! At last we've arrived at the first (and second, and third) appearance of Hanx's perennial onscreen love interest, Meg Ryan. What is it about these two that just throws sparks? For all his affable everyman likeability, Hanx has never really been what you'd call a sex symbol. Ryan, for her part, is cute as a button, particularly when she lights up with that megawatt smile (which has tragically been destroyed in a series of cosmetic procedures gone horribly awry. RIP). Pair that with Hanx's dimpled grin and you've really got something that can only be described as adorable. The film opens as industrial employee Joe trudges his way to work among a mass of other corporate zombies all dressed in black, slogging their way into workaday hell garbed entirely in black like mourners at the funeral of the life they imagined for the...