"There are people demonstrating outside our building! Black people with basketballs! You're putting everyone at risk!" I came into this knowing little to nothing about this movie. I'd heard the title before, and it probably stuck in my head at some point because it's a catchy sort of title and I wasn't really clear on what it meant. To be honest, I had no idea Tom Hanks was in it; I honestly didn't know about any of the A‑listers who make up the cast. There's probably a very good reason for that, but I'll get to it in a bit. The events unfold through the narration of one Peter Farrow (a very Moonlighting -esque Bruce Willis), who is shown at the very beginning of the film to be a highly successful, if perpetually drunk, author. He arrives at a ritzy gala to promote his novel, The Real McCoy and the Forgotten Lamb , where he is fawned over by PR reps, the press, and the public at large. In voiceover, Farrow begins to tell the story of h...