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On July 9, It Begins Again.

I began this project just over three years ago. My intent was, as most of you know, to complete a viewing of all Tom Hanks' films in a year. I made a respectable showing at first, but then things happened. I had a miscarriage. I got pregnant with my second child. My first was potty training. I got a new job. I moved. I was laid off. My son turned two, and for those of you who have a two-year-old, I don't think that needs any further explanation. The world was blindsided with a pandemic, which both Hanx and his wife, Rita Wilson, were affected by. Protests arose over civil rights issues. In short, my world, and the greater world, was in chaos. I lost sight of my goal, and much like a beloved volleyball in Cast Away, drifted off beyond my reach.

Times are tough for everyone these days. There's no arguing that. And for quite some time now, I've been thinking about resurrecting this project. I've said for about half a decade that I wanted to learn Latin. Finally, this year, I'm about halfway through my first unit. I've become aware that I am, in fact, capable of finishing things. Given that, I want to revive The Year of Hanks and see it through to its conclusion. After that, perhaps I'll continue to document my thoughts on each of his subsequent films as they're released. I'll discuss the short stories in his book, Common Type. I also want to watch the full series of Bosom Buddies. There's still a lot of Hanks' catalogue that I need to explore.

So one week from today, July 9, 2020, Tom Hanks' 64th birthday (aka Hanksmas), I will officially recommence The Year of Hanks where we last left off, beginning with his uncredited role in Radio Flyer. My intent is to work my way through the rest of his filmography, however long it takes. I hope you'll join me.


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